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                                          New Orleans                                                         86
 The appearance of the 'N.O. ' from the River is imposing; 100 Miles from its mouth  the imments number of buildings, the ^ ?one of

St. Charles hotel peering proudly above all; then the Levee or reimbankment thrown up to protect the city from the inroads of the mighty Mother of waters, when there is a whe? in the river - on the ^ levee being placed the stores or Warehouses, & a prmt of it the Shipping. I arrived just as the busy season was closing, still the continual basth? with principal streets and towards the River gave me some idea of the extent of business transacted in this City - now the handes & Pollers were busy way ^ to the north out the influence of yellow jack -

 The St. Charles Hotel is the 'Monster Hotel' of the South. Its interior arrangements are upon a very extensive scale & managed with

considerable skill & ability. The exterior of this edifice words crossed out lenas? a desire? in a the New Orleans folk to have something classic. but with great deference to them, it is not of an Architecture appropriate to the character of the ?lntlishment or the climate. The Verandah, & the St. Louis hotels are more in ^ unison character - crossed out. The Exchanger is located at the St. Louis hotel, it is a very

in left margin erected by the Astors of N.Y. - Tabl d'hotel - and the Lashen? Parlors & Tabl d'hotel for ? lads? to her husband Boarding House legand - lom 100? Txd - Lmun.. & dinig of wench not to help.