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45 the children were rescued 2 or 3 days after their capture, the ? boy being severely speared, but his recovery ^hoped for^ Some of the murderous Comanches were shot - We hear that ^the^ two Mexican spies that had been condemned by Gl Burleson had been hung near Goliad - Sunday 27 - Messrs. McKinney & Jones arrived from the Army, gave us confirmation of news - they proceeded to Corpus Christi. It is believed ^by many^ that an Invasion by Mexico is about to be attempted, so much so, that all those families Westward, are removing down towards the Coast & Galveston - that is - they are upon the "Slope". Many of them unfortunately know ^too^ well the sanguinary character of their Enemies. All this is bad for the Pencil notation in left margin: If there is work for them will return by land to Galveston. crops & retards numberless operations for the well-being of the Country. Monday 28. The majority of 'Fusiliers' will remain here a few days with Capt. Swingle, ^awaiting^ more information from the army, X the rest go homeward to Galveston with us; for it appears

in pencil in left margin: over