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44 at the Rancho, when "Incarnacion" suggested to his captors, he being a "first rate" herdsman, if they would let him have the mule & a Lasso he would soon ^catch^ this 'beef'. This was immediately acceded to when this wily Mexican, after pretending ^for some time^ to catch the 'beef' got far out into the Prairie, & when at good starting distance, galloped off as fast as he could leaving his former captors in no very good humour. It was this "Smartness" & "Sloping" of Incarnacion ^the Mexican^ that caused the hilarity on board, & it was put to the vote and carried, that the Captors of 'Incarnacion' merited a "Leather Medal". Saturday 26. Went to LaMar ^ 1/2 an hours sail^ opposite to the Live Oak Pt. There are 6 to 8 habitations & the residents ? to "break up their Establishments". There we heard that some Comanches had come down as low as 30 miles below Goliad & killed a Mr. & Mrs. Gillelands, taken away their two children, but