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36 Mess, included, the Captain, the principal officers, in a word, Even among us Republicans, the "Elite", & a crossed out: big good example they set to the rest on bd. Then came No. II 'Mess', this was located between the steam-boilers & the "Cabbose", having on the left flank the pursers store room & adjoining it the store room ^belonging to^ No. I Mess. No. II was known as the "Great" or "Rowdy" Mess, & ^it was^ esteemed no inconsiderable honor to belong to it, yet there was one duty belonging to it that was not patronized, namely - Each day one of the Mess, had to [unclear] the cooking, laying the table, & then worst than all to wash up the greasy plates, & pannikins We of No. II, dispensed with knives & forks, using our fingers & bowie knifes. No. I Mess would in its arrogance taunt us somewhat, alluding at the same time to their little comforts. No. II Mess appoints a "Committee of three" to investigate the conduct of No. I, & if guilty of any points unbecoming, ^our^ "natural deputy" to punish No. I.