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35 took, the 'rattles' ^some 12 in number,^ from his tail on board as a trophy - snakes of various sorts are found about here & are occasionally "Scorpion," centipede & a few alligators. Sharks are seen, but they are not very common. ^turtle in great abundance^ In our ramble today saw the 'Nopal (Opuntia) in flower & some ^species of cactus^ Monday 21. Wooding all day - the Express we had sent, to Refugio returned, but brought no news of importance. A party has first found us ^from the interior^ informing us that in the 7th. inst. ^Some^ Mexicans surprised near ^to^ Sr. Patricio ^a party of^ Texans - killing Messrs. Carnes, Snodgrass, Wells & Willis, ? Lipan Indians, the following day, thus Mexicans arrived at Corpus Christi, a Proclamation signed by Gl Arista, calling upon the Texans to return to "their duty" etc. etc. etc. The Same enemy then retreated to the Rio Grande. Friday 22. 8. am Got under weigh for Live Oak Pt. arrived at noon & took in water. I may observe ^here^ that independent of the warlike organization of our ships, we were diverted into Messes No I