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28B Duelling which was ? a pastime in N.O. is not so frequent as formerly, but now & then one hears that the"Colonel has shot the Judge" &c. There is a large quantity of drinking going on at the 'Bars', but Drunkenness is principally confined to foreign sailors as Liquor is cheap & 3 unclear words

[the following paragraphs are overwritten by diagonal comments apparently striking them out. These comments are hard to decipher]]

On Sundays in particular may be seen crowds of Merchants, their clerks, Shopkeepers &c. congregated about the Post office a short time ere the letters are delivered - & there it is that the purchase of new Books from the North 4 unclear words he had the American Editor of new works of ?

Horse racing is a ? amusement, but principally ? ? is much practiced and 5 unclear words Dancing - Theater X

The Houses re large & fairly well furnished, but the 5 unclear words Bed rooms, and a 6 unclear words had a frame work of 4 unclear word he had to write. So in to6 unclear words

4 unclear words together & wind up not the Bar - the ? - & ? Shop - markets - X ? Fires & these Brigades