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I visited Count ______ he had located himself & family on the upper part of Buffalo Bay, an excellent place for a Southerner and his Negros - but not for European Emigrants. He had of erecting log-huts at once. Then they were under Tents thru which the Suns rays were ? fiercely all were attacked with chills & fevers & the Mother with a Congestion. The European Servants pale & wan, miserable & ?. The result was that in 1 Yr they ? that they were dispersed in the country & ? return to France - this was the very best thing they could do. Had they known anything of farming operations &c ?? They should have gone off to the West, or up into Montgomery County where there were many European farms of comfortable ? & this I subsequently found was the case.

  Altho there is a sprinkling f Foreign farmers - The great majority of ? are from the States.   Those from the N & E. choose the highlands & the west - Those from the S. settle on the wet bottom lands & near the coast.   They know exactly where to be at - and the first year work very hard & suffer at times great privations, but then comes their sense of enjoyment & ease.  The land has cost them little or nothing.  It is their own & their childrens, no proud lord of the Manor to bow to, no tythes, no game laws - & as to taxes on the land such is nearly nominal.  Such feel free and are so - & as to positive wants such can never reach their doors.