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25 Texas as the abode of the white race would not have been in existence - In fact New Orleans was its naval & military Arsenal. its commiseriat, Treasury & its citizens their 2 unclear words & advisors - & there can be but little doubt all this war probably ? by the leading men of all parties in the Union - ran the government. In the first place in New Orleans a great deal of Texan land speculation was going and this would have a balance in their favour; then an exitensive country south of it with which it would have a considerable trade and last but not last the belligerent excitement caused by the separation of Texas from Mexico was quite in accordance with the"chivalry" of Southern feelings.

  The occupation of Texas by the white man, was about to open the door to the rich productions of Mines & there aspiring & ambitious minds who did not consider it very problematical that as no very distant period the Empire of the "Montezumas would form" some of the richest states of the Union."  "Give a hand' was their cry they had the genius to call back things into