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2 had arrived within rifle shot.

  A Volunteer company had been formed at Galveston its object being to proceed to the frontier, but as an addition to their funds was necessary for its complete equipment, and its Colonel being german Professor of Music he came out boldly in an advertisement on the propriety of getting up a concert, the proceeds of which were to be given over to the company at the same time entreating the Editor of the principal Newspaper for a helping hand on the occasion, that document winding up with the following "We need not remind our readers of what Shakespeare said about the individual who was so unfortunate as to have no music in his soul."  They will all recollect that that close observer of human character pronounced such fit only for the vilest use."
  Reader pardon me, for now I am obliged to speak somewhat directly of myself. I was invited to take part with the professionals! on the occasion & solicited to sing a spanish song or two there being several families from San Antonio (where Spanish is spoken) who intended to patronize the concert which was held at the Tremont Hotel . The Audience arrived when it was first treated to the tuning of what had been