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File:Upper body sketch of bearded man in military-style coat

Col Ackland? make his account of the battle of two lines of text unclear

1.3 - duty 1.4 1 - 4 1 - 5-

notations of weather conditions by date 20 78 unclear S.E. 21 79-80 78 cloudy S.E. 22 80-82 80 cloudy S.E. 23 81 81 79 fine cloudy S.E. 24 79 - 82 - 77 do culm..? Do [S.E.] 25 77 - 82 -78 cloudy fair do [S.E.] 26 76 - 82 - 78 cloudy fair do 27 77 - 82 - 78 Do fair S 28 70 - 80- Do do E