deer, they supply themselves with Dried Beef dried Venison, and a piece of Bacon. Generally when 'Camping' near Streams, about Sun-sett they can shoot Wild Turkies coming or a roost. Breakfast, dinner & Supper are alike.
Friday 1 December Norther & deluges of Rain all night - 8 am moderated Temp 37º - but it must be at freezing pt in the prairies - Wrote to W. K. Noon Temp - 40º - 8 PM 40 - Rain abated & Norther going down - in bed all day with chills - Saturday 2. 8 am temp 27º - White frost over the ground & Ice ? - Noon 64º - light airs from N. and cloud in the sky & warm in the Sun When cotton is separated from the ? by the hand as is the case sometimes in India about 1 lb per day - The first 'Gins' used are thus ? composed 'of two or three fluted rollers set in motion by the foot with manner of a turning-lathe, & by its means one person may separate & cleanse sixty-five pounds" The 'Gins' at first employed in the United States & Texas yields about 2000 lbs of Bale Cotton or 4 Bales of 500 lbs each.