Sunday 2nd Octr. 75º - E. breezes. 83. 79 Monday 3 74º NE. [?] 83º Brz N.E. 80º Reports that Caldwell & ? with their Men have been taken by the Mexicans who were reinforced with 2 to 3000 Men - Capt. E. ? me by telling me that he believes there are 30,000 negros in Texas - ? that he has been informed that for 20,000 Negros capitation Tax was 4 unclear words Tuesday 3. 74º - 83º - 80 - Winds variable from NE. to N.W - For some nights pasts - many ? have fallen ? from E. to W. For some time past Galveston has been unhealthy - owing probably to the lte heavy rains, the 'Strand' or lower part of the City which is subject to overflows from high tides as well as the rains draining off by that locality have ? our present Epidemic - All of us have had colds - these have in some cases produced nervous, bilious & congestive fevers - & occasionally death - One or two passing from N. Orleans have died ? with "Yellow Jack" they must have brought with them. Ans'd ? Simons letters to Jamaica