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a Houston Man - Potter generally approved to the ? of Pardue ?Bache? (a great grandson of Benj. Franklin) an elder ? Saturday 3 82º 86. do - Mr Laurence for Senate spoke very ? upon the position of ? & other affairs Tuesday went to C. Sharpton - & met Tiger Cat there in 2 unclear words - Mr. Victor Bonnet 26 R. 2 unclear words paid of St. Louis de Serin - this is as he might - une la chien du chez - "affaire paye" - Read letter from Mr. Kennedy X Tuesday 6th - ? Capt. ? - parted for Geological Soc. Louis ? Letters for Sudie. Plimpton, fine. X Mr. Crawford arrived here from Vera Cruz - on shores ? to ? the V. Cruz - Potter & Laurence elected - By letters from England the Govt sympathizes much with Texas - 8 am 86 Noon 88º - 85. 2 unclear words Wednesday 7th Mr Harbond who came down from Gnl Morgans some three weeks since suffering under great debility resulting from Intermittent fever - appeared to be getting better - when from probably eating too much - produced ? fever on Monday & died at ½ past 3 pm yesterday - 8 am Rev Mr. Henderson officiated at his funeral - 8 am 3 ? Water at bottom - only to the present high tide - to have been blowing from N & E