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Lewis Cass - May 4, 1825. Extract. The Government have determined to convene al the Indians upon the upper Mississippi and in the Lake Superior Country to a general council, to be held at Prairie du Chien. The Sioux, Sacs, Foxes, Winnee badgoas, Munoa minces and Chippewas are expected to be present at this council. The object is to establish permanent boundaries among them, and to put a final stop to the hostilities which have so long prevailed in that quarter, and which have produced and yet threaten such serious consequences to our citizens. Of all these tribes it is most (es)sential that the Chippewas should attend. Their incursions into the Sioux Country have led to the most of the difficulties in that quarter, and any arrangement, which does not include them, will be partial and incomplete, and almost useless. You will therefore be pleased to despatch messengers into the Chippewa Country, to explain to the Chiefs the objects of the Government and to invite them to attend at Prairie du Chien about the middle of July next, or as soon after as possible.

Ayer N. A. ms 601