or "Medecine sac" which was a skin of an animal. beaver. otter. or [?snake?] or a bird as the case might be The novice sat on a clean new mat. "Anakon." facing the "Me da-wantig" a cedar post set up in the center of the lodge paintd with vermillion and ornamented with birds feather and down.. (Such a post was not observed in the "Medancgaun" at Rice Lake) [?] old men "Wekanni" or initiating priests. provided with the medecine sacks dance and rattle.
One of the priests after a few [?] [?] to the novice.[?] from the medecine sack a small shell. from the sea shore. it was white the "Me da me gis." this he placed on the palm of his hand and ran around the lodge exhibiting the shell to the company followed by the associate "We kanns". they went completely round the lodge shaking the rattle and singing "Who sho sho." in a guttaral [sic] tone. when they reached the novice they cried. "Whay ho ho ho" and went to the west end of the lodge. and the leader delived a spirited harangue.holding the shell in the palm of his hand. A few days after this the [?intern?] of these ceremonies went to the lodge of the old priest and making him a present of "tobacco and cloth for a pair of leggins". that is the custom if genuine information is sought. the indian will not open his head and say a [?] word till a present is made him. they are generally truthful. after this ceremony he asked the meaning of the allegory. and he told him in brief. "The [?] means the [?]. religion.xxx Many Strings of lives ago the indians lived on the shore of the "Great Salt water". "The Atlantic." while there they lived in a large congregation and suffered much from sickness. the Great Spirit. then at the prayer of "Manibojou. gave them this rite. wherewith life is restored and prolonged. Those Medecine lodges were it is said first erected at the mouth of the St. Lawrence river. near Mointreal [sic]. and from there they have spread.
To day the "cowry" shell is the emblem of this [?] rite and is the ["?"] and these shells are held in great [?] by the indians. At one time a lumberman in Wisconsin happened to have one in their possession and he placed it on the floor of he store room behind the counter. in a short time. an indian came behind the counter and saw the shell. he was at once struck with awe and stepped cautiously up to it. and examined it with baited breath and with great care picked it up and wrapped it