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The root of the Skunk Cabbage "Ma kno pin" is a medecine used by the Ojibway and also the roots and herbs of which we give a list.

"A nish i.na.ba.sa.ba.sig no." "Long River Root." "Yellow Root." of the [?]. This is Indian Physic and is taken to produce nausea in small doses and in large ones to cure nose bleed

"Ma-ah-koz.wa.no." "Buffalo tail". this is a root that has been handed down as it [?] from olden times. but became obselite to a great measure in its use. it like many other roots is used as an ingredient in medecine. but no reason is assigned why it should be.

"Ma.skwa ga." Blood root. "Sangunani Canadensis." "root that makes water red." this is another unusual medecine.

"Mi.gizi.wi zid" "Eagle foot." The virtue of this root is exerted specially in the chance it is medecine which if put into the [?] or on the back even rubbed over the hock will insure the capture of the animal and fish.

"Kish-ki-gi-bik." or "cut up root." Genseng..another similar medecine.

"Sa sa bi kwaw" "To make the eyes blink like the sun." This is a root which we could get only a small fragment of it resembles "Solomon's Seal." and is used to cure headache. a Stone is heated quite hot and upon the stone is place a small fragment of the drug and with a blanket thrown over his head to enclose the head and stone the indian sits and allows the vapor from the drug to bathe the head. and be inhaled by he patient affecting as he believe a cure of his headache.

"No sag-i-Ji-bik". "Bitter root." "Gentian" used with Genseng and other drugs for physic

"Mi.tig nab.abo." "Used for making love." Hickory. } "Ba. gan.als." "Nut weed." "Butternut." } Take Six chips from each tree as long as the finger and as wide as the axe will cut. then add to be boiled in water. "Wo' go bi ming." "Bare weed" } till half..(reduced to half quantitiy). then take the chips out and boild to a tea cup ful" this is a tonic used in a general


"Na ba.no a ni kua aq" "Hair growing on one side " "Black root." this with Bitter root. Gensing, "Sa Sa-bi kwaw." is used as a tea for a physic.

"Wo ni-zih ans" "Little birch tree" Spigelia. is an unusual medecine seldom used. and for what purpose not divulged.