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thought Jesus Christ my am? lord & redeemer

   To the father & the holy ghost     Amen ___
 Being 12 letters in this book
 To W C Meach? Judge 1   Longmeadow to Mr. Townsend 3  Deerfield
 To Mrs Pitkin 5 East hartford  to John Williams 7 Longmeadow
 To Storrs 11 Easthampton L Iland.  to  Rev Walworth 12. Bridgehampton   I to Rev Welch North Stanfield?
 To Clark 13 Montreal.   To hubbal 16 Lansborough.
 To Williams at lewistown 17   to Rev West D.D., Stockbridge.   To Sheldon hartford 20   I to hubbal 21  Lancut off
 To Rev Cram  Exeter   To Rev Williams 22  Beverly
 To Mr. Sheldon 26. -     These letters are not all of them whole. only Extracts from them
   This is written for our private use, as I have written to my friends whom I set so much by. These my friends are kind to me, so I trust the Lord

to bless them. and these was written from time to time after I begin to write & now w?at? just they it was written make no alteration, many place it ought to be corrected, but as for my own use I let them be just as it is ___