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                                          (page 2)

more tolerable to you at the day of judgment then for tyre & sidon words crossed out.

 I wonder you dont tremble for your poor soul day & night --  I commend you my

dear friend to the grace of God __ and I pray God for Christ Sake that he would save you __ and at last you might be receive into his heavenly kingdom. I am your sincere

     friend wish for you good ___
              Eleazer Williams

.. Mr William C Silcock Longmeadow state of Mass County of hampden

April 14 1804

___________________________________________________________________________________ Observations this letter is the first I began to keep the copies, this was written the time of great awakening in Longmeadow, Surely the wrathe? of man shall praise God, It is wonderfully that God has preserved his holy spirit in the hearts of the children of men this year (or winter) in various parts of this land

I will bless the Lord for his might works turning the hearts of the children of men to him &  ? now praising him for his meraculous which he wrought
in their hearts} April 14 1804  Longmeadow