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great and excellent means of these Graces of Faith and Love towards Ct understand they are ye principal outward and ordinary initable and powerful means God has appointed and is wont to make use of in Beyebling Pradnency ,Creating and inenensing? ye Actings and crenuses of those graces toward Jesus Ct. __

The Applicableness of those texts to this

Proposition thus explained and understood, and ye evidence to assend of ye truth thereof we will a little touch upon. - - with regard to truth in Ct ye risen Savior, the Evangelist John in ye Content relates ye Incredality and unbelief of Thomas, who would not believe in him as risen without the testimony of his senses, sight and touch; and who was gratified and satisfied therein and in yt ?ny brought to believe in a risen Ct, which he declares, and which Ct acknowledges, but in such a way urgently to rebuke him for his incredabily without this testimony of his senses; declaring they are more lasted, ye truth more noble and lovable, who believe in him, barely upon a divine testimony sufficiently stified as ye old testament Saint, did ye truth resting any new word and Promise of God with Respect to him; and who believe an ?ennthro ye word of his intprened bestnesses, without sensible Evidence as new testament Saints hereafter would do; whom has