us of faith combining together, and with all ye united have eneutneny its destination to rase it to ye foundation by dent of Twand? and havee of bnns or burn it up as ye raging flames of anda pnending? and general Persecutions - look back to past times and ye primitive lyes of ye Ctan Christian Chh. and behold ye mighty and marvellous works of ye Lord, of his Power and goodness and praise him thereof? and not wonderful wisdom and Knowledge is he grasped of, who, even, two and does une his Chh not only from ye Power and Rage of earth and hell, but from ye Palney of hell, from ye subtilly of ye old Serpent, from ye lying deceits of Rome and Counsels of wicked men and Saducees, that ye would not prevail against it! what wonderful wisdom as well as Power has Ct shown again and again in its defence & deliverance, when it seemed in imenent dangers as being wholly overspread with darkness at ye time of ye Reformation and before! Such Wisdom and Knowledge tis rather to be admired by us. 4 hence again, Ctns need not fear ye Rolul Ruin and Overthrow of Cts Chh and People they need not fear this in ye dontlst and dreadfulness times yt ever happen - antechrist's Cht and Kingdom which has ye Pope as Peli?va's? succession, and is ye Rock meant as ye trust as Papists pretand, nll meet with alul broken and dreadful downfall by & by,