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[tops of 8 pages are showing, with burned edges; transcribing the front one:]

Brethren, "As ye torn burned Jesus the Lord, so walk burned him, rooted and built up in him, and established in the faith as ye have been taught, abounding therein with Thanksgiving." May the God of our fathers enable us to believe the truth as it is in Jesus; and so to spend the residue of our days upon Earth, that our death may be tranquil and easy, and our eternity glorious and happy! Yes, let us all be diligent in the work of salvation, that we may be found of God in peace at last, and be admitted, through the merits of the adorable Saviour, to gain the triumphant above in celebrating the glories of the Three in One, in that joyful and celestial anthem, Amen Hallelujah for the Lord God God Omnipotent reigneth.