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top of page burned & torn what great things God ha damaged .. them." In explication I can damaged of which, he remarks P.I.? that damaged have had mercies, have had them damaged God. God is the bestower and giver of all our good things: all our mercies come to us by a Divine providence, and ordering; not by casualty or accident: Neither are they of our own procuring and purchasing, or others, so as to exclude the providential disposing of God. His God who returns the captivity of Zion. His God who gathers the outcasts of Israel: His he who takes away the captives of the mighty, the prey of the terrible: who contends with them that contend with us, and saves our children. His God who disperseth & gathers again: therefore the Psalmist + calls upon his soul to bless the Lord, and Psal. Ciii

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