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this winter. Sarah Amelia is not going to teach, at least for a while. Eddie was much disappointed as he was quite anxious to go.

     We had a letter from Sis and Mary yesterday: they were all pretty well. We had one also from John a few days ago. It was as Father said a sweet letter. John says, " Franky asks a great many questions about God as the Maker and wants to be a good boy so that God will take him to heaven when he dies. His mother found him one day on his knees asking God to let his father come home safe from the Neosha.- Little Robert continues very healthly and good."
      Have you received the Melodeon yet? I hope it went safe. How do you like the blue dress we sent with it. We thought perhaps it would look best for Anna but you can tell best.
      Please excuse me for writing a short letter, it does not agree with me very well to write. The baby seems better this afternoon. I hope he will be well soon. Good bye. Write soon. Accept love from your aff. sister   Sarah.