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today. She is asleep now and has been for some time. Dr. Lilienthal was here this morning and left some medicines for her. I dont know what he thinks about her but he was quite cheerful. He will call again in a few days. Do not be too anxious about sis, we will write often especially if she is any worse. We feel very thankful that we have a good girl now. I do not know what we should have done if Providence had not sent her to us. William has had another hard attack of his old trouble. He is a little better but is not able to go about hardly at all. He has not slept much for the last three nights. Sis has waked up and looks quite bright, but she has been sweating again and I must go and help her rub off and change her clothes. We are beginning to look for another letter from home. Hastily and aff.ly- Sarah