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occurs to prevent it. Brother Lewis has been quite sick this week. He was quite poorly all last week. Saturday he went up to Jane's father. He was quite sick Sunday so that they sent for the Dr. He was better Monday but Tuesday he was very sick so that they were some alarmed and sent down here for father and mother: he was better before night. Yesterday Lizzie and I went up to see him, we found him very much better but still quite feeble.

  We hope he will get along now Dr. Gillat attends him.  We have not heard from him today.
   I called at F.R. Roberts and told him to make you clothes as you requested.  He said he would have them done as he promised.
  Father and mother wrote to you Mon. and told you I had had a toothache.  I had quite a hard time with it but have got nicely after it now and am feeling first rate