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has more influence in producing the difficulty than any other cause, for surely was that not the case, the reasonableness of M. Sims being the proper person either voluntarily or by order to perform the duty, could not be doubted. Permit me then to request that you will grant an order requiring M. Sims to perform the duty of bringing up all the recording and other business, which it was his duty to have performed while in office; and also that he shall have all the facilities from the present Clerk necessary to enable him to perform the work. I do not know what is the present practise in the manner of making applications of this sort at Chambers?, but if it can be done without a personal attendance, I request that you will consider this letter as a motion at Chambers, and as containing a consise statement of facts in support of that motion. If the present mode I have adopted unclear an incorrect unclear I hope your Honor unclear me when I assure you that I believe it to be not only the correct one / my personal attendance unclear / both the plainest and simplest, and the best calculated to answer the end proposed, and at the least expense. I am Dear Sir very Respectfully + with high regard + Esteem your very obed serv. D. B. Mitchell The Hon: William H. Crawford Judge Superior Courts unclear