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for which commences on the 9th next month. I am afraid in our State politics we shall be in difficulty where none ought to exist. I understand that M. Forsyth and M. Eliott are both Candidates to Supply the place of unclear Tait, and if so, Clarke or Dooly will offer for the vacancy unclear by the resignation of Col. Troup, and they are to be opposed by Col. Ware?. This I consider a very bad arrangement for I have little or no doubt but M. Forsyth and Eliott can both be elected if they will agree between themselves, + change their plan, by one of them taking Troups vacancy. and there can be no doubt but either of them would be continued at the expiration of the Constitutional period, if they desired it. Dooly is stronger than either of the other two, + if Clark finds that he cannot be elected himself, he will punch? Dooly against Ware?. I have always been of opinion, + have frequently mentioned it to my friends, that M. Forsyth ought to come forward at the