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Creek Agency 16th October 1817

Dear Sir,

I have been anxious to hear how the illegible with which your Son with afflicted when you last wrote illegible from Halifax Court have illegible had teammates, but have not heard one word. Hope he is now rested to good health. When that letter reached me, I was in bed suffering from a violent attack of bilious fever, illegible I have no doubt, by the heat and fatigue I underwent at Fort Hawkins, and subsequent anxiety and illegible of illegible . I have now been spending a few weeks with my family at the Agency, and we have all been much benefited by the Change.

I am much flattered and gratified by the opinion you illegible of the success of my exertion with the Indians. you know of my deposition to do things by halves, and if I fail in fulfilling the expectations of government, it will not be for the want of zeal in the performance of my duty. One of the greatest plagues I have yet met with is, the universal desire which appear to prevail in every one to speculate when the Indians, and the foremost in this clap are, a set of men formerly of the Army, and now engaged in trade of some kind or other, particularly those who claim to be Settlers to the illegible at the different posts. Under this pretended authority they engage, I may safely say, two thirds of the Indian trade. I shall make an effort to correct this illegible through General Gaines, so soon as I can have a personal interview with him, but it will be attended with difficulty unless the illegible is better Supplied, and