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friends, I am induced to decline the appointment of Agent to the (unclear). This determination is the result of a full conviction that to perform the duty of that appointment faithfully, much more of my time must be spent on the Nation, than would be consistent with the happiness & welfare of my family & to remove them there is altogether out of the question. And to neglect the duty attached to any appoointment I msight accept, and thereby bring censure as well upon myself, as welll as those from whom I received it, I cannot. In addition to which, the circumstance I have already mentioned of the difficulty of suitably fillling the Executive Chair at this moment, and with all, the probability of my being enabled, in my present station, to render more important servicve to the Nation, in case of a rupture with Spain, than I possibly (unclear) as agent, & in that event both appoint's will be important, and the opposition of all those friends to whom I have mentioned the matter all come in aid of the determination I have come to. You will therefore permit me, under the most lively impressions of respect & gratitude to the Presiddent and yoursel for this evidence of your conficence to return the Commission which I had the honor to receive. Believing it proper that I should return it to the war office, and not knowing who has succeesded you in that department I have takeen the liberty of enclosing it to you. You were kind