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Hillsdale Nov. 19

Dear Sister Jennie,

 I have just finished this little piece of poetry. I am sorry I have been so long about it but my mind has been so tossed about that I find it hard to steady it down to any thing as I want to. I wish I could have written better. If you do not think it will be best to put it in the Cen. let me know and I will try again. If you or Anna or any of you would like to change it you are welcome to do it. William has been sick most of the time since we have been with the asthma. He took cold and the weather has 

right margin: so staid J. Eddie and Maggie like their school.

left margin and top: to softening of the lower part of the spinal canal or marrow. She sends her love and says she will write soon. She has been so poorly it has been hard for her to write, but she is a little better now. Dr. speaks rather hopefully but he owns that it is impossible to tell what the result will be. My health is good. I was weight last Thur 103 pounds. Where is Anna? down low in the poor nineties, I suppose. I hope she enjoyed her visit in Turin. I am sorry you did not get more good from your visit in Utica I am very sorry I could not help you there. I am Give our love to Mary.