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Tuesday, 3 P.M.

Dear Cynthia, I have been sitting here a long time with pen in hand but somehow I won't make myself feel like writing even to Sis. And besides Mary and Anna are making so much noise, I wish you all could be with us now. We think of you a great deal this vacation and wish very much that you could be spending it at the "old house at home." We would have quite a family gathering if you were all here with me.

I assure you, Sis, it is not so lonely now as it was when I was home alone. I wish you could hear Ann play an

in margins: yet Mary wrote in it this afternoon and Jennie is writing now. Father wrote in it before he went west. Annie Williams is still quite feeble but I do not think she is getting any worse. Margaret and Ruth Jones were here to dinner last Sunday. They came for meeting and Anna and I went in the afternoon with them to Mr. Roberts church I have not been to the Village before on the Sabbath, since you went away. Mr. M. Roberts has been quite poorly for some time. I believe he has not preached for some weeks. His lungs trouble him. Of course the girls spoke of you. Don't be homesick. Write after. Love to you all. Sarah.

P.S. I would call your attention to Sarah's improvement - she is really quite dignified as became the only daughter at home.