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  Clinton Water Cure July 6, '51

Dear Sister Anna,

  Will you axcept a letter from me after so long a delay? Can you, will you forgive me for neglecting so long to answer your kind letter? You know that it was not because I did not wish to get another from you that I did not write sooner nor was it because I was not very glad to get it, -- indeed I hardly know myself why it is that I have not written to you, but whatever the reason may be I am realy sorry so you must forgive and forget, dear Sister and write to me again just as soon as you can. You must remember who I am, Anna, remember that it is Sarah who has been so naughty, and it will not be quite to hard to forgive and pass it by as though it had been some one else, dont you think so? Oh, dear Anna, I cannot begin to tell you how much I would like to go home, it does seem so long since I have seen you all, since I have seen our house, my room and everything that I love. How true to every feeling of the heart are those words, "House, home, secret home be it ever so humble there is no place like home!" When I get a little bit homesick I almost always think of those words that Lewis and Margaret used to sing to me, and they express my feelings exactly; I mean, "Oh, the old house at home." Oh, I am so glad they did sing that piece to me, it does me so much good to