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can well pay up all thier Bills & he thinks they will. I of course know nothing about it but fear there may be old demands against them that may come in the way.

  C. says that he must incredably pay Pratt some cattle next fall when he makes up his drove from this town as he has put him off from time to time till the very last pinch. I hope he can let you have a cow this spring shall try to persuade him to but you must not depend upon it.
   The deed describes the whole farm I suppose I had no title or shadow of one before I dont know what consideration I suppose the document conveying personal property was simply a Bill of Sale, no other note that I know of - dont know the date of the deed - given it was as long ago as 1835 - but what matter is it  it is not page torn while to overhaul all that chaos but to try to come to some amicable arrangement for the future - can a note be outlawed if witness'd properly?

The Sheepskin you spake of belong to Almeda. Tell me if you please what you and Eliab think about my going to Mass. when Isaac goes back. I have hopes I should go again some time but had not a thought of going this Summer till Isaac said I must I dont know what to do about it - it hardly seems as if such a poor old shiftless thing had better be at home I should prefer not to go till after a year or two were it not that may never have so good an opportunity. Do write to us all about your journey & whether you go to your Uncle Peletiahs. I want Eliab should write to me what are his plans for the future? A.M.M.