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I thank Samuel and you for your letter go on in ways of well doing.

To my Lucy Dear Daughter The cloth for dress was very acceptable just what I need, am very much obliged don't know as I can get it made up till you come - can tho' if I try doubtless little Charlie Metcalf has been unwell ever since I come home is better now a few days - there don't seem to be much time to work Albina means to get her a nice shawl all circumstances considered I should rather wait till next fall I think - she could put her money at interest you know where she could have it then but however the may want to wear it a few times - I have to talk to C. & Albina about keeping their faces smooth lest their brows get knit with care - Jane did look like a little miserable castaway I came home she had not a very good appetite in the hot weather, & of course worked hard A. tries I believe page torn but she can't keep from fretting about her work - the baby has been & is very good but she would think she has wondrous trials if Almeda hasn't such a good hand to laugh her out of it Jane is very healthy now eats as much as a man almost is real smart driving round in the house and out too I believe she does as much work as all of Almedas children James is babyish and lazy but is very strong and smart when he has a mind to be - your skirt I got done last week only I couldn't put it quite all in it was too wide for the 60mm you can finish it when you make it up - think I shall send it by stage as it is uncertain when C & A will go if at all - I feel bad about the lame beast C might have taken 125,00 for her and take pay in land but thought it not best to sell unless he could get something to pay money debt good bye