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JM to IS.

                                                                                                                        Milo Nov. 1. 1850

1. "The day is done, and the darkness

     Falls from the wings of Night.
     As a feather is wafted downward
     From an Eagle in his flight.

2. And the night shall be filled with music,

   And the care that infest the day
   Shall fold up their tents, like the Arabs,
   And as silently steal away."
    Are these stanzas of poetical merit, or either of them, and which?
   Having one or two items of sufficient importance to warrant sending a letter we propose to mix with them a lot of rubbish and this com - pile an epistle
  The meetinghouse at Foxcroft was burnt a week ago last Sunday night. It is said the supposed incendiary has been arrested. It is also related, but on rather incredible authority that in the recent freshet, the Foxcroft bridge was so destroy'd as to be possible for foot persons only. The water here was about as high as at the highest time last spring. Pleasant river rose more, driving Phin Tolman's folks up stairs, and 4 ft of water in his barn. It is said by the Laird of Bradwardine and Tully - veolan that a talbot (the crest of the Metcalf arms) is " a most ancient and distinguished bearing" and that "such a dog is the crest of the anantical? and renowned Earls of Shrewsbury."
 Mother is down to Hamden  Lucy being sick she had a lung fever and by our letter dated last Sunday was said to be getting