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I must not write much longer for I have got to write a letter to C.C Barnes and send with this by Mr Wells, who goes I believe by next Friday. Ellen Lee has been very sick but is better now so that she rides out some. I wants thee, to write to me, a great long letter pretty quick. It is 9 o'clock. I must go to bed. I shall be sleeping in the morning. I am afraid. Good Bye Lucy. H Metcalfe

                                                                                                                                                                      Joseph M.Metcalf

To my Dear Daughter, Lucy H. Metcalf We have an opportunity to send letters by Mr Wells but Alas! I have no time hardly to write as I must fit Isaac away he has but 2 days more to stay at home this time and I have got a bed to make ?other little matters. Are you lonesome when J. I. L & G. are gone away? And are all alone. I hope you have a good page torn 29th Eve. I guess you don't know nothin about our fox, so one day I was coming home from Gullum when I saw a young fox in the road and I run after him and I caught him & I lugged him home and we dug him a hole out between here & the "posey patch" & he lived & growed prettily and got very tame but 1 day he died and we took off his hide. From yours affectionate Father. Joseph M Metcalf. Good bye.

I have not much time or room to write now but will just say how you'll have a nice time to work & study and read & don't forget my Dear Daughter to spend part of every day in earnest prayer and do become full and not let too much time slip away while you stand talking with your neighbours [Mr J & Marian] it will perhaps be more than list I have some fear that you will feel lonesome but you need not if you are well occupied take good care of your health so as to be well and strong and not let Almeda have anything hard to do as she must be very careful or she’ll always be an invalid. If you rise very early and calculate right you can do a good deal of work and get time to improve your mind too-Don't get too much engaged about one thing to the neglect of others. Be a good girl & I shall write a good long letter by and by.