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remounted when I saw ^ that he gave up the shot. I dismounted & although considerable farther from the game fired, while I reloaded I called to Mr Brown to ride upon the ridge & to see what became of ^ the game, he said "you haven't hit him" yet he rode upon the ridge & over it out of sight, & when I rode in that direction myself saw him standing by the dead Antelope as I rode up he simply remarked "that was a hell of a shot." it was a nice fat buck. we took a pack animal from the train & placed thereon our game. stopped to noon near a small stream or ditch - water poor - Mr Phillips quite unwell I remained with the train to take care of him & the mules = camped on Crystal Creek a clear mountain stream we saw near here many rocks or boulders of fantastic shapes we saw one on the top of a little hill that resembled an old Gothic tower, with gothic doors, turrets etc surrounded by pines & oaks what seemed walk leading up to the castle another very much resembled a large barn July 4th a few of our number a little more patriotic than the rest about daybreak concluded to celebrate our national birth day, we fired a salute with ^ our guns, but only the rocky hillside gave an answering salute, July 5th started about 9 Oclock & reached the south fork of the Platte about noon. killed an Antelope some 20 rods distant, this antelope had been chased by a wolf & run towards me, I was almost a mind to kill the wolf, but I thought the Antelope would be preferable for eating & chose that, After dinner we packed 1/2 our pack on the top of the saddle & by making 2 trips crossed although the water nearly came up to the tops of the mules backs & was very swift, but we crossed without accident torn page Just after we crossed a party of Emigrants came up torn page