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poles, & also could distinguish with our glasses Women & children, this was then evidently no War Party, they soon came up & camped upon the opposite side of the river, & many crossed the river & came into our camp & upon being questioned said they were Arapahoes & came as friends ^ we gave them something to eat & while conversing with them by signs, I saw another dark moving mass in another direction to the west, I viewed it with my glass & made out a body of Indians a "War Party" the Arapahoes as they drew nearer pronounced them "Cheyennes",, I pointed to the Arapahoes & then toward the Cheyennes & made the motion of shaking hands, the savage nodded his head & made the same motion,, I then asked the same again & said "Camanche", instead of Cheyenne the Indian shook his head with a very decided gruset? of dissatisfaction & said "Arapahoe = Camanche = pung imitating the report of a gun = then pointing to a bullet scar through the leg he said "Camanche" = "Pung",, the War Party of indians meanwhile rode up near our camp ^ some 18 or 19 of them they were large fine specimens of the savage, all well mounted, & armed with Guns bows & arrows, & lances, Their hair was braided & hung down their backs & covered with silver plates large ones at the top, gradually growing smaller towards the bottom,, these plates had a couple of half moon shaped holes cut out near the centre in this shape image which gave a place to fasten