and fighting to day on the streets; they promised to pay the guards? a visit but failed to do so Opt. reports the throwing of a brick through the window of a sleeper of #6 train at Gibson and the conductor and Engineer say they heard shots fired at the engineers. At 9 pm the Engineer on #189 Engine while oiling his engine was struck on the back of the neck with a piece of rock. Opt says the strikers seem to be getting very troublesome as they see their cause is lost.
Saturday Apr 14 /88
Opt says everything passed off quietly last night except an engineer who had come from Lincoln went uptown to get a suit of clothes and he told Opt that the strikers met him and invited him in to the saloon next door to have a drink and as he was comming out of the saloon he was struck in the back of the neck and he was drunk when he came to report to Opt.
Sunday Apr 15th 1888
Opt says the Switchmans Union has bought over (3) three of the new switchmen who were working there since the Switchmen went out he says their places are easly filled. Opt reports that last evening the strikers assulted an old man named could not be learned