2/ found the boys, and they all feel very cheerful over the kindness of Mr. St. John of the C.R.&Q? & P.R.R. in giving them all passes to a special car on the fast train to St. Joe. Opr. understood that about 65 in all have gone from Chicago to attend the meeting there. There was one Delegate each from the Engineers, Firemen, and Switchmen Brotherhood and Opr. learned that the names of two of them were Martin Flarity & Kupkiser, but was unable to learn the names of the third. They look for good returns from this meeting and also feel very good over the reported result of Hoge's and Murphy's unclear success, that the men show a desire to continue the strike. Jim Logan is working on the W.S.L&P?, and John Short is on the C&N.N. and both are working nights and at extra work. After the meeting,and he said that he was, and Opr. asked him if there was any thing new, and he replied, that it was the same old thing and that he was sick of them, that they go up there and read the letters from along the line and then adjourn, and that