their families, an Italian band was giving a concert. They started to dance at 9pm. Martin, Best, and Staub and their wives left at 11:30pm. I remained at the dance until 1am when I went to the Hotel and retired. Galesburg, Wed. Sept. 26th 1888 This morning at 9am I went to the vicinity of the Firemen's Hall on Main St. where I met J. Riley, F. Watson, Thos. Riley and Bill Graham, they were speaking about the new men. Riley said he has $40.00 that says he can whip any new man on the C.B. & L. road, he said Elmer Work would back him at any time. We took a walk to, ? cigar store where we tossed pennies for the cigars. B. Holcomb made his appearance & told us that the Galesburg team was going to play the Little ? today at the ballpark. We took a walk to #221 Main St. at 10:30am and played pin pool until 11:40am when I went to the Clifton Hotel. I met Stranburg at the dinner table, he told me that there was no news to speak of, he said the meetings are about he same every day, there are a great number of letters read encouraging the strikers, he said old R. Martin is insane on the detective subject he said "Martin never makes a speech but what he cautions