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Chicago July 23d 1888 ? Stone Esq. Genl Mangr. CB.Pq. RR Chicago

Dear Sir Following find report of Opr. G. D.C. dated at Galesburg, Ills. Friday July 20th 1888 At 8:30am Opr went to the White Elephant saloon accompanied by Stranburg met Benso ? and Tillman. they spoke about the strike being in prospect of settlement Benso said he was willing to see it settled, upon any basis, that the boys had made a good fight against the ? Road. he said this dynamite case is liable to knock the brotherhood out. Opr and Stranberg then treated the drinks and went to the Hall. Op asked them if they believed Clark and ? had anything to do with the striking switchmen getting left off the payroll. Benso said that only ten switchmen remained here now. that the rest have taken positions on other roads and that the men who had left town were the ones who were stricken off payroll. Geo Clark handles all the money that is paid out. bathed nothing to do with cutting off these men neither did Geo ?. They shortly after entered the Hall. Op then went to the Wilton where Op met John Hickson. they took a walk to Depot &