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support. Says he did not go out but was dragged by the C.B. & Q. men. In order to express how he felt towards them for doing so he said 'if I was cleaning the dirt from my finger nails and they were all starving I would not let them eat the dirt' This was of course taken as an insult and the signal for a split and I think there would have been some fun- had not a few of the cool headed ones taken very prompt action in making some good speeches and got them back together. FInally all was O.K. then they decided that every effort must be made to get all roads possible to strike at once, they thing if they drag along in their strikes it will give each road time to get the scabs broke in and in this case they feel sure of defeat on the other hand they think if all roads would strike to-morrow they could not possibly fill their places and then success was sure. Nothing of further importance could I learn.

Yours resepctfully Pinkerton's Nat. Det. Agn. by Gen. Supt. E. Div. K