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Chicago, April 2nd. 1888. H.B. Stone, Esq. Gen. Mangr C. B. & Q.R.R. City. Dear Sir;- Following is report of D.C. Saturday, March 31st. 1888 The meeting was called to order about 10.35. Report of committees nothing of importance. Reading of communications from other lodges, about 12 in number were all very encouraging. They were from every point on C.S. & Q. Line where there is a lodge of brotherhood. ALl promise to remain firm and solid to a man and pledge the brotherhood here their support and they feel confident of success. The chairman then said that a man by the name of A. J. Yous had seen him and wanted one engineer, one fireman and one switchman from the Nickel Plate R.R. to meet him at Mc Coy's hotel sometime to-day and be sure they were all brogtherhood men. He also wanted it understood that Mr. Yous name must not under any circumstances be spoken outside of the hall. About this time some one came in and said one of the scabs had come from the east and was outside and wanted to see someone. A man went out and interviewed him and came in and said he was one of the same men who was here yesterday whom they had sent home but he had only went outside the city limits and come back for assistance. It was decided to give it to him and a big fellow went out and licked him. When he was let loose he lost no time in getting out of sight. The meeting