ride behind such men. Gretcourt made the same remark Freeman said most people think the strike is over: Weldo said, it would be over if they (the strikers) did not keep it up. Opt went to Schieklers unclear Store: and learned from DeGerald that there is trouble among the striking switchmen. Opt says he believes the Engineer Brotherhood wants the switchmen to go to work, and that the switchmen claim she pay as before until the Brotherhood furnishes them with employment. Opt also learned that the reason so many of the Strikers helped Dearborn as nominee for Representation from that District was because Alschuler was on the same ticket and asked th strikers to help him. Chas. Dean, a striking Engineer told the Cooper that the R.R. thought they had the best of the Strike but to just wait until after November. and see, there are other points to be considered: This Dean, Opt says, is a great blower and has always talked this way - he had to sell a nice little home he had at No 83 New York St. as he did not have the money to pay what he owed on it. Cooper is a Grocery man there and told Dean he was sorry for him: that he (Dean) would be walking on his uppers soon, if he did not go to work soon. A Man by the name of Fisher who boarded at the North Western Hotel : and works at Fraziers Wagon Works said there are very few people in Aurora. that have any sympathy with the Strikers and that there were none in their shop, meaning Fraziers. Opt was also talking with Jacob Shea. of unclear who remarked the same as Mr Fisher did: At Heecks in the evening Barry Koegle and