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March 6th 1888 Mr. H.B. Stone Genl Mangr. CB&Q Dear Sir W.L. Following please find report of Operative W.L. March 5th 1888 At 8.30 AM Opr. was at Union Depot there was no excitement, everything very quiet in the yards. Opr went to CB&Q Round House but not seeing an Engineers there, went to the Gault house, here he found a few men who were getting ready to go to the Grand Pacific Hotel. When Opr was on his way to report he could see the CB&Q men were getting ready to start to their hall, on 14th Street. They were all talking about the C&N.W. saying the Brotherhood of that unclear will quit work if Mr. Arthur will only say the word. The opr went at 10 oclock to the Grand Pacific Hotel. Mr. Arthur's clerks were sending telegraph dispatches to all the Brotherhood. One dispatch to Mr. Shay and out to Mr. Wilkerson advising them to get the Brotherhood men ready to prepare for a general strike. Supt. Harris of CBN called on Mr. Arthur and