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It is possible, you know, that the world may stand these many years yet, and that your children may be inhabitants of it, may have to make their way through it, and perform their part in it, and were I a parent I should think a residence in Boston, with all its advantages, greatly preferable to Milo with its utter destitution of all means of culture - the opening of the Albany railroad has given a great impulse to business in Boston especially mechanical, & it would cost but little for James to go and see what he could do there, and even if you should think it your duty not to act upon the established principle of the world of mankind, viz. the uncertainty of future events, I say even supposing you ought to act upon your certain knowledge that the world would come to an end next year, - which however I have no idea you practically believe - it would still seem to be your best course to self supposing you could, for you would then have no payments to make out, and could get along comfortably, without James's being obliged to work himself sick: you, too, ought not to have so much hard work to do as must be done to carry on a farm profitably, you ought to contrive it so as to have your needle occupy most of your time, either for yourself or others. [bottom of page, upside down] There seems to be a general belief among Christians, and even among Mohammadan that their power is near its end, that is, 1260 years from its commencement which they get from Rev. __ Missionaries seem to be aware that the great contest is to be now with propecy, since they seem to meet with very little opposition elsewhere. - the battle of the great day is to be fought which is to usher in the Millennium.

  The funds of the American Board are much larger than ever before, and they are calling for men. -- those who become christians in this blessed age, are called into the kingdom for action, not for idle speculation, or a life of worldly care.