Thurs. eve. July 4th 1844. Dear brother Joseph I have been intending to write you, this two or three weeks, but something else has seemed to occupy the time every day so I have deferred it until now. I received a paper from you last week, for which I am much obliged. I see a Bangor paper only occasionally, and they are always interesting to me, I wish we could take the Bangor Gazette amongst us and think we rather ought to have one good family and political paper. I don't know where to begin in telling you the news, do'nt know but Lucy has told you every thing that would be interesting to you, but I believe I will write just what I think of at the risk of sending you stale news. My school is really pleasant though laborious, on account of the great number of small scholars but not at all hard to manage; have punished but very little. I am near the close of the ninth week and have, consequently only three weeks more to keep. I was at home three weeks ago, Lucy came up after me, and Charles brought me back Mond. morn. and went up to the tannery after hair to plaster with. When I was there, Mr. Gilman had just finished a fortnights work and the lathing was mostly done, I have just received a letter from Lucy, - she says Charles has most finished the plastering, and expects Gilman next week to finish the wood work, which will take about two three weeks, and then it will be ready