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Col. Eliab Metcalf was well only a week before his death, his loss is deeply felt for he was extensively known and much beloved: thus we see one after another dropping into the grave; some very unexpectedly, let us take warning by it and see to it that we are prepared for this great change for we know not how soon we shall be called hence: We know that it is the path of wisdom and happiness to remember our Creator in the days of our youth, & secure an interest in the Savior while it is an accepted time and a day of salvation. I suppose you attend Sabbath School do not misimprove such a valuable privilege - You have, until now, for a long time, - been situated at at distance from great vices or great temptations - now you must take care and avoid all evil, and withstand all temptations to do anything but just right; especially avoid the company of bad boys, attend to personal neatness & finally you must try to be a very good boy. I think I have given you enough advice for one letter, so I will conclude by saying that I want you should write to me very soon page torn & direct your letter to the care of James, 402 Wash. Sts. Your affectionate Sister E.A. Rich I.S. Metcalf

P.S. You can send this letter to Mother if you have an opportunity to do it soon as she will be anxious to hear from Aunt Esther.