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I intend to ask Mr. Pomroy whether he wants a boy but I do not think it all probably they have two girls; no hare or row, I believe; burns coal chiefly so he would not have much to do went there from school, last monday, staid and went to meeting in the evening had a pleasant time there is a great deal of attention to religion in all the churches: I is very much engaged, has frequent and crowded meetings, many inquiries and quite a number entertain here. I attend an interesting Bible class every sat. afternoon taught by Mr. Dole a student in the seminary: it is on the book of Hebrews. there is a very interesting state of feeling in the church. a spirit of prayer and humility. I have a class in Sabbath school of six or seven quite interesting girls. I get along pretty well with my school, had one great boy expelled, this week: have four weeks more to keep, don't know whether I shall stay longer or not. I have not got acquainted much yet, don't go out much except to meeting, I spent an evening at Mr. Cutlers, intend to call upon Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Walker and I have commenced studying together, been clarified Moral Philosophy: recite a lesson every evening to Mrs. Walkers. She's a most lovely woman. - they talk of giving up housekeeping to have the house repaired but have not concluded whether they shall or not: his sister is going home soon, and Mrs. W is going to get a girl. I wish I had my old bonnet here, if you could send it in a hand box conveniently some time I wish you would. If I stay here next summer I think it likely it will not be best to have a vacation the travelling will be so bad the time only a fortnight, and it will be rather aggravating too, when so near. I wish you would send my bonnet in a handbox by Mr. Thomas soon, for my head does not look very smart, (I made it myself,) and the weather is so warm too, that I want the other to wear it. If it will come safe in the handbox and if there is room for it I wish you would send the last vol of Commandment. Mr. Walker has not any thing that will help me get my bible class lesson in Hebrews. My sabbath lesson is in Samuel and though I should like the commentary very well to get it with, I can do very well without it as the teachers have a meeting every sabbath morn at 9 o' clock for the explanation of lesson. I should think you had better write to Joseph soon for the poor fellow will hardly know what to do, he has not permission to come home, and probably is out of business there now. Had you not better write right off and direct him to come in a packet to Frankfort as soon as I send him some money, which I can do I suppose about the last of March. In the meantime I will be trying to find a place for him here. I spoke with Mrs. W about it, she seemed to think it doubtful whether I could find a place: if she cannot find a place here it would seem to be much better for him to stay where [right-hand side] he is, till Isaac leaves, but it will all work out for the best some way. [upside down]Nov. 24th What weather, this season!; if we have 2 or 3 more rains it will do to go to ploughing! Is not Charles sorry he did not keep school this winter, as it has turned out? I am sure he can't do much with his team, any way. You must write good long letter, and tell me what to do. I don't know whether I had better try and stay here studying, through the summer, or when they break up housekeeping here quit, go home and work on the farm, till next winter. I can't even decide either, which is my duty, nor which I had rather do, if I could. What does Charles find to do, these awful days, without any snow. I am afraid he will get cheated out of his woodpile, not the hen pen, which as well as the back fence it is now a good time to make! Also for Eliab to study. Has School Gone??